With graduation around the corner, it has been a stressful time trying to keep a steady balance. It has been a struggle trying to stay focused on finding a job, doing well in my classes but still being a senior in college! So, here are a few examples of the steps towards graduation which has been keeping me away from the blog-o-sphere.

Next is the 100 days party. This party held at the Cornerstone (a blog to come) marks 100 days until we the day we graduate! Pictured here is Amanda, Shannon, Paula and I!

Choooo-Chooo! Next stop on the Graduation train is my favorite holiday (besides my birthday) St. Patrick's Day. We have been so luck with the weather down here in Erie, Pa and could not have been happier with the weather on March 17! We took advantage of the sunshine by spending the day outside with friends celebrating a great Irish saint ;)

Last week I said my final goodbyes to Mercyhurst Student Government! I have been so blessed to have been given the opportunity to have served as MSG President and part of this organization for the past five years! Pictures here is flowers, a cake and a special card from everyone that deeply touched my heart! This was a huge step towards graduation which may have been the hardest!

So there you have it everyone! This post has been a glimpse of what I have been up to lately and quite frankly, all year. It has been a whirl-wind of adventures and emotions. But most importantly, I have so many reasons to smile everyday!
The blogs will come more frequent I am sure! I hope you enjoyed my first one back, and accepted my apology for slacking!
Stay tuned,