You know that MTV show: True Life?
I always told myself that if I was going to ever audition for that show, it would be for the episode, True Life: I'm a Middle Child.
DISCLAIMER: Like I said in my first post, I am the luckiest of girls and I am thankful for everything my parents and sisters have done for me, but as you will come to find, I am a tad bit dramatic sometimes. I also spent two weeks in Ireland during August sponsored by my parents.
Now you may be asking yourself, middle child syndrome, what is that? Just take a look at this credible source, Urban Dictionary to find out: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Middle%20Child%20Syndrome
It basically means that oldest child is the pride and joy of the family, while the youngest is the baby of the family and so stinkin cute. Where does that leave the middle child? The one to blame.
Let's take a couple different real-life stories. When I was in the 4th grade, Kelly was in kindergarten and Katlin was in 6th grade. We took the same bus home. The bus left without me one day leaving me in the school office crying waiting for my parents to be out of work, and the two of them home enjoying their "after-school snack." Would have been so hard for one of them to stand up for me asking to wait for their sister?
At the Hess house, I am often the butt of many jokes. So one day a few years back, I had enough. I said to my father, "DAD, why are you always making fun of me? You never say anything to Katlin." His response, "Katlin, you look like Meghan HAHAHA"
You ready for some more? As per Katlin's last post, Katlin is a mac nerd. In April, we took our dearest friend Reed home for Easter. During his time in Buffalo, he was planning on switching from his Droid which had a big crack in it, to this iphone. Well, Katlin jumped on the bandwagon and NEEDED the iphone also. (At this point I had a non-functional blackberry). So, Katlin begged my dad for an iphone and won, and I begged my dad to let me switch to Reed's cracked Droid.
Then there is just the general day-to-day things that my sisters put me through. Neither of them will hug me, but they LOVE to embrace each other. Katlin will only pose for a picture with me if a friend is taking it. And, i cannot tell you how many times I hear "it's Meg's fault" or "Meg did it."
This has been my first middle-child-syndrome post, but don't think this will be my last. I secretly love being the middle-child but just appreciate some sympathy once in a while!
Stay tuned :)
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