My friends & roomates have a joke that I have terrible luck. I often get texts saying "I am having a day in the life of meg hess" or "I'm having a 'meg hess' kind of day." The way I feel about it is this: I am such a lucky girl with bad luck. I love the life I live and make sure that even on the "meg hess" kind of days, I still have a reason to smile.
So, little bit about myself? My birthday is October 16 - almost there! I am a Senior at Mercyhurst who is fighting the battle of grad school and finding a job come May. I am involved in many activities on campus, and though I recently found 3 gray hairs, I would not have it any other way. I am surrounded by so many great people down here at school and have a family in Buffalo who is also great!
You may be asking yourself - what is this crazy, silly, quirky, nerdy and FABULOUS girl going to blog about? Let me try and capture your attention. If you did not fall for the "lucky girl with no luck" thing, how about "a girl who suffers from the middle-child syndrome?" I will share my stories of being that broke college kid, that nerdy student government president, that girl who likes to have fun with friends and that senior who is confused. One more confession, Katlin and I live our lives based on 90's family sitcoms -- more to come! We have a couple family trips coming up soon, so we are bound to have some great things to share with you as well.
One more thing before I start this adventure with my sister - Katlin's grammar is better than mine, my spelling will never be perfect and I will be all over the place with my posts. Please do not give up on me - practice makes perfect :)
Thank you for viewing our blog! How exciting that you will be on this journey with us! It is going to be a big year for us, and we are so excited to share it with you.
Well folks, stay tuned!
You know there are classes for that grammar problem ;)